Editorial type workshop

The second workshop after the Editorial image workshop was the editorial type workshop. David started off this workshop by reminding us of all the different typographic detailing terms. We then had to consider all of these terms and had to create a single B6 page using part of the text from the Great Expectations. Again, we worked in groups for this project.


We started off this project by drafting out a few different layouts, we decided to stay away from the usual book layout of one collumn and use two columns for the text instead. We also played around with the orientation and the placement of the title of the book, instead of placing it at the top of the page we decided to place it running down the side of the page, I really like the effect of this because I feel that it is very unusual and it makes quite an old book seem quite modern. We also tried to create a good amount of white space within the page, I think we have done that very effectively within this piece.Overall I am very happy with the finished look of this piece of work.